Before pic of 1 bbl intake and carb
and stock exhaust manifold.
After pic with 2 bbl intake and carb
and Hooker Super Comp headers
Does it look faster? Cuz it is!
Air conditioning is going back in thanks to Mr. Twister
Everyone thinks it has a 340 so I got some killer decals.
Batteries in the back like the big girls.
Had the front seat recovered.
New Sounds!
My honey switched out the drum brakes
with disc brakes. I bought new Cragars SS
to replace the old ones.
New addition. Mr. Twister swapped out the rotors
I had borrowed from my Twister and put on the drilled
and slotted rotors I bought for myself a long time ago.
Now the Twister has some fresh stuff, too.
What do ya think about scoops?